D250 - Man is the head of the family
‘The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God’ –1 Cor 11:3.
God is a God of order as seen in 1 Cor 14:33.
God has ordained a structure –
- God (the Father) at the top,
- followed by Christ, then
- man, and finally
- the woman.
It is just the way that it has been ordered by God.
Does it mean that man now has every right to lord it over their better half?
How does the Trinity operate? Does God, the Father, disregard Jesus, the Son?
While the Bible talks about the need for the wife to submit to her husband, it also emphasizes that the husband must love his wife (Eph 5:23-25). In a perfect harmonious situation, no husband will make a decision that upsets his wife but at the same time someone has to make a decision.
Please also see
- D2 – God is three in One (Trinity),
- D12 – God, the Father, is the final decider, and
- B75 – Honor the structure in a family.