D191 - Christians are commanded to pray
Mark 6:46; Luke 11:1-12; Luke 18:1-8; Matt 21:13; Luke 1:13
Jesus always prayed. He would take time to pray even in his very busy schedule.
Mark 6:46 said that
‘after bidding them farewell, he left for the mountain to pray.’
Repeatedly, we can find the same intention – Luke 5:16; Luke 9:18; Matt 26:39.
He taught his disciples a simple prayer in Luke 11:2-4. He asked them to persevere and not give up by using the analogy of a persistent friend in Luke 11:5-12.
In Luke 18:1-8, he followed up with another story regarding a persistent widow who kept petitioning a judge for justice.
If Jesus prayed and he told us to pray, we should therefore pray.
Were his prayers always answered?
For these and more, please look at the instructions regarding prayer in B183 to B213.
Also, look specifically at B208 – Be prepared that our prayers may have ‘no’ as an answer.
D192 - Pray and lay hands for the impartation of the Holy Spirit
Heb 6:2, Acts 8:17-18, Acts 9:17; 1 Tim 5:22
Heb 6:2 explains that ‘laying on of hands’ is a foundational truth.
We see the ‘laying on of hands’ in the Book of Acts. In Acts 8:17-18, Peter laid hands on new disciples in Samaria and saw the impartation of the Holy Spirit onto them.
Again, in Acts 9:17, Ananias was directed by God to Saul and Ananias laid hands on him for healing of his sight as well as to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
B319 – Lay hands on others takes a more detailed look but here is a short summary regarding laying of hands:
- It is a foundation truth (Heb 6:2),
- It can be used to impart the baptism with the Holy Spirit on a believer (Acts 8:17-19),
- Healing can take place through it (Luke 4:40), and
- Spiritual gifts can be similarly given to a believer through it (2 Tim 1:6).
- We are to be careful about laying hands on others because there is spiritual significance to the ritual (1 Tim 5:22).
There are tremendous responsibilities in the laying on of hands so much so that Paul made it clear we should not be
‘hasty in the laying on of hands so as not to ‘share in the sins of others’ (1 Tim 5:22).